Sunday, February 10, 2013

Weight Loss Chart

I thought it would be a good idea to chart out the progress of my fasting and weight loss plan. I think it may help me to stay focused. I'll update it along the way.

At about 48 days into the process I decided to increase the calory intake to about 700 to 800 calories per day. I tell you, after eating 500 calories per day, 800 felt like a real feast! After about 3 months I lost about 14 lb and that made me feel good about the entire process. One month later I eat about 1000 to 1200 cal per day and am able to maintain the weight at 145-146lb. I realized that the most important is not to eat at night. My cut off hour is 6pm. Yes, probably once a week I do eat more than 1200 cal and I do eat after 6pm. I make up for that the next day with a little less calories and an extra 15 min of exercise. Overall, it feels good to be in control and laugh at hunger.