Sunday, February 10, 2013

Weight Loss Chart

I thought it would be a good idea to chart out the progress of my fasting and weight loss plan. I think it may help me to stay focused. I'll update it along the way.

At about 48 days into the process I decided to increase the calory intake to about 700 to 800 calories per day. I tell you, after eating 500 calories per day, 800 felt like a real feast! After about 3 months I lost about 14 lb and that made me feel good about the entire process. One month later I eat about 1000 to 1200 cal per day and am able to maintain the weight at 145-146lb. I realized that the most important is not to eat at night. My cut off hour is 6pm. Yes, probably once a week I do eat more than 1200 cal and I do eat after 6pm. I make up for that the next day with a little less calories and an extra 15 min of exercise. Overall, it feels good to be in control and laugh at hunger.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Fasting Day 20-31

Day TWENTY (Wednesday) 500 cal/day
-Weight 151.4 lb,
Food and drink intake:
- Breakfast: 14oz of organic coffee with 2oz of organic soy creamer and 1tbsp of honey; 2 boiled eggs,
- Lunch: Green Tea, 1 small apple, 12oz organic vegetable broth (very warm),
- Dinner: 2 Wasa crackers, 3 slices of Jarlsberg cheese, 12oz of organic vegetable broth (very warm),
- Snack: 5oz of organic baby carrots, 5oz of celery sticks, 2 tbsp of salsa,
- detox lemonade throughout the day anytime I felt hungry or thirsty,

Waist 32 1/4", Seat 39 1/4"

The crackers and cheese taste good. I'm pleased with the waist and seat measurements. Pants are so much bigger now... It's amazing though how little the body needs to live. I don't feel low on energy; negotiating a flight of stairs is not a problem. After all there is less weight to carry around... I don't feel hungry and don't really miss eating. It's exciting to see the progress.

Day TWENTY ONE (Thursday) 500 cal/day
-Weight 149.4 lb,
Food and drink intake:
- Breakfast: 14oz of organic coffee with 2oz of organic soy creamer and 1tbsp of honey; 2 boiled eggs,
- Lunch: Green Tea, 1 small apple, 12oz organic mushroom broth (very warm),
- Dinner: 2 Wasa crackers, 2 wedges of soft Swiss cheese, 12oz of organic mushroom broth (very warm),
- Snack: 5oz of organic baby carrots, 5oz of celery sticks, 2 tbsp of salsa,
- detox lemonade throughout the day anytime I felt hungry or thirsty,

I knew the break was coming... I'm glowing stepping off the scale. Persistence pays off, but it's not over yet. I'm looking forward to the rest of the week. 
My energy level is good. I don't feel hungry and don't really feel deprived of food. I do get cold easy, but extra layer of clothing and wool socks do the trick. My blood pressure is 99/70 and pulse is 72. My blood pressure was always below 100/70 until I passed my thirties, exercised less and gained about 20 pounds. I guess I'm turning things back...

Day TWENTY TWO (Friday) 500 cal/day
-Weight 148.2 lb,
Food and drink intake:
- Breakfast: 14oz of organic coffee with 2oz of organic soy creamer and 1tbsp of honey; 2 boiled eggs,
- Lunch: Green Tea, 1 small rice flour pancake, 12oz organic vegetable broth (very warm),
- Dinner: 2 Wasa crackers, 3 slices of Jarlsberg cheese, 12oz of organic mushroom broth (very warm),
- Snack: 5oz of organic baby carrots, 5oz of celery sticks, 3 tbsp of salsa with 1 tbsp of sour cream as dip,
- detox lemonade throughout the day anytime I felt hungry or thirsty,

I'm really happy with the progress on the scale... I'm sure the weight loss plateau is over.

Day TWENTY THREE (Saturday) 1500 cal/day
-Weight 148.6 lb,
Food and drink intake:
- Breakfast: 14oz of organic coffee with 2oz of organic soy creamer and 1tbsp of honey; 2 boiled eggs,
- Lunch: Green Tea, 1 slice of bread with goat cheese, 12oz organic vegetable broth (very warm),
- Dinner: Green beans, baked potato, rizotto with cheddar cheese, 8oz of ham, 1 cup of cola, 2 scoops of ice cream.

Well, the life goes on and I don't want to miss out on its little pleasures. I attended a social function with dinner. I met friends, socialized and ate. I had a great time. I probably could have skipped the ice cream, but I didn't want to feel deprived. I'll be back on the track tomorrow.

Day TWENTY FOUR (Sunday) 350cal/day
-Weight 150.4 lb,
Food and drink intake:
- Breakfast: 14oz of organic coffee with 2oz of organic soy creamer and 1tbl spoon of honey; 2 boiled eggs,
- Lunch: Green Tea with 1 tsp of honey, 1 orange,
- Dinner: 1 cup of raw cauliflower, 12oz of organic vegetable broth (very warm),
- Snack: 2 celery sticks,
- detox lemonade throughout the day anytime I felt hungry or thirsty,

I decided to reduce the calorie intake to compensate for the “overage” yesterday. It actually was not too hard.

Day TWENTY FIVE (Monday) 500cal/day
-Weight 148.8 lb,
Food and drink intake:
- Breakfast: 14oz of organic coffee with 2oz of organic soy creamer and 1tbl spoon of honey; 1 boiled egg,
- Lunch: Green Tea with 1 tsp of honey, 1 orange, 2 slices of Wasa bread with 5 slices of Tofurki (tofu cold cuts),
- Dinner: 1 cup of raw cauliflower, 1 small apple, 12oz of organic vegetable broth (very warm),
- Snack: 2 celery sticks,
- detox lemonade throughout the day anytime I felt hungry or thirsty,

Wasa bead with tofu actually tasted very good! It was delicious and filling. I did not feel hungry or week during the day. My blood pressure and heart beat are steady and strong.

Day TWENTY SIX (Tuesday) 500cal/day
-Weight 149.0 lb,
Food and drink intake:
- Breakfast: 14oz of organic coffee with 2oz of organic soy creamer and 1tbl spoon of honey,
- Lunch: Green Tea with 1 tsp of honey, 1 orange, 2 slices of Wasa bread with 2 wedges of soft low fat Swiss cheese,
- Dinner: 1 cup of raw cauliflower, 1 small apple, 12oz of organic vegetable broth (very warm),
- Snack: 2 celery sticks,
- detox lemonade throughout the day anytime I felt hungry or thirsty,

I walked about 2 miles with moderate speed in addition to the 15min low impact exercise. I did not feel hungry or weak during the day. My blood pressure and heart beat are steady and strong. My energy level was good.  

Day TWENTY SEVEN (Wednesday) 500cal/day
-Weight 148.0 lb,
Food and drink intake:
- Breakfast: 14oz of organic coffee with 2oz of organic soy creamer and 1tbl spoon of honey,
- Lunch: Green Tea with 1 tsp of honey, 1 orange, 2 slices of Wasa bread with 2 slices if Jarlsberg cheese,
- Dinner: 1 cup of raw cauliflower, 1 small apple, 12oz of organic vegetable broth (very warm),
- Snack: 2 celery sticks,
- detox lemonade throughout the day anytime I felt hungry or thirsty,

I walked about 2 miles with moderate speed. I did not feel hungry or weak during the day. My energy level was good. It’s nice to see that a little walk makes such a great difference on the scale. I think that moderate walk may be more effective than a faster run. I am not interested in building the muscle mass, just in losing the fat. Low impact exercise seems to work well…

Day TWENTY EIGHT (Thursday) 500cal/day
-Weight 147.2 lb,
Food and drink intake:
- Breakfast: 14oz of organic coffee with 2oz of organic soy creamer and 1tbl spoon of honey, 1 boiled egg,
- Lunch: Green Tea with 1 tsp of honey, 1 orange, 2 slices of Wasa bread with 2 wedges of soft low fat Swiss cheese,
- Dinner: 1 cup of raw cauliflower, 1 small apple, 12oz of organic vegetable broth (very warm),
- Snack: 2 celery sticks,
- detox lemonade throughout the day anytime I felt hungry or thirsty,

My energy level was good. Blood pressure remains low and steady. Heart beat is strong and steady. I don’t feel hunger at all.

Day TWENTY NINE (Friday) 1200cal/day
-Weight 148.0 lb,
Food and drink intake:
- Breakfast: 14oz of organic coffee with 2oz of organic soy creamer and 1tbl spoon of honey, 1 boiled egg,
- Lunch: Green Tea with 1 tsp of honey, 1 orange, 2 slices of Wasa bread with 2 slices of Jarlsberg cheese,
- Potato salad, beans, Brussels, tuna salad, cheese and tomato appetizer, 2 glasses of wine,  

Well, I had a little gathering with fiends, so the calorie intake exceeded the plan… oh, well… I had a good time and tomorrow is another day.

Day THIRTY (Saturday) 700cal/day
-Weight 150.2 lb,
Food and drink intake:
- Breakfast: 14oz of organic coffee with 2oz of organic soy creamer and 1tbl spoon of honey, 1 boiled egg,
- Lunch: Green Tea with 1 tsp of honey, 1 orange, 2 slices of Wasa bread with 5 slices of Tofurki (tofu cold cuts),
- Dinner: 1 cup of left over potato salad, 12oz of organic vegetable broth (very warm),
- Snack: 2 celery sticks,
- detox lemonade throughout the day anytime I felt hungry or thirsty,

Ok enough with the leftovers… back o the plan ASAP.

Day THIRTY ONE (Sunday) 500cal/day
-Weight 150.6 lb,
Food and drink intake:
- Breakfast: 14oz of organic coffee with 2oz of organic soy creamer and 1tbl spoon of honey, 1 boiled egg,
- Lunch: Green Tea with 1 tsp of honey, 1 orange, 2 slices of Wasa bread with 5 slices of Tofurki (tofu cold cuts),
- Dinner: 1 cup of raw cauliflower, 1 small apple, 12oz of organic vegetable broth (very warm),
- Snack: 2 celery sticks,
- detox lemonade throughout the day anytime I felt hungry or thirsty,

I was actually surprised that the scale did not move up more after eating significantly above plan… That’s good, but back to plan. I’ll take the dogs or a long walk today too. I see the need for a different everyday plan… a lifestyle change regarding food intake. The portions I used to eat were definitely too big. That’s why the weight went up. Obviously the body does not need that much to function, unless more physical work needs to be done, of course. I’ll need to come up with the “exit” plan from this weight loss program, to keep the weight off. 

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Fasting Day 13-19

Day THIRTEEN (Wednesday) 1500 cal/day
Weight 151.8 lb.
Rather than stress over not being able to eat foods during the social function, I wrote off the day 13 from the fasting diet. It's OK. I enjoyed the company of my business friends and the foods. I ate a little of everything. Probably around 1500 calories total. I had a good time. It was good to be able to wear the slimmer clothes too. Tomorrow... back to the 500cal/day schedule.

Day FOURTEEN (Thursday) 500 cal/day
-Weight 151.8 lb,
Food and drink intake:
- Breakfast: 14oz of organic coffee with 2oz of organic soy creamer and 1tbsp of honey; 2 boiled eggs,
- Lunch: Green Tea, 1 small apple, 12oz organic mushroom broth (very warm),
- Dinner: 3 slices of Jarlsberg cheese, half of an orange, 12oz of organic mushroom broth (very warm),
- Snack: 5oz of organic baby carrots,
- detox lemonade throughout the day anytime I felt hungry or thirsty,

I'm back to the 500 cal/day. The energy level is good. The scale did not move due to the food and drink intake yesterday. Well, that's how it goes. I'm happy the scale did not move up. My feet still get cold quite fast, but wool socks help with that.    

Day FIFTEEN (Friday) 500 cal/day
-Weight 152.0 lb,
Food and drink intake:
- Breakfast: 14oz of organic coffee with 2oz of organic soy creamer and 1tbsp of honey; 2 boiled eggs,
- Lunch: Green Tea, 1 orange, 12oz organic mushroom broth (very warm),
- Dinner: 3 slices of Jarlsberg cheese, 1 small apple, 12oz of organic mushroom broth (very warm),
- Snack: 5oz of organic baby carrots,
- detox lemonade throughout the day anytime I felt hungry or thirsty,

The scale moved up a bit... well, #2 does not happen every day and it is probably the reason for a little set back. After all, the intestines keep filling up even if we don't eat that much. I'm not concerned. I don't use any diet teas or other things to stimulate the bowel movement. That was done at the beginning of the detox. The veggies and fruits will work fine to move things out,... when they are ready to move out. Now, the idea is to feed the body with good, organic food while keeping the calorie intake low, so the unwanted "reserves" are eliminated (and they are being eliminated). I need to make sure that I stick to the low impact exercise plan as well as to the calorie intake.

Day SIXTEEN (Saturday) 500 cal/day
-Weight 152.0 lb,
Food and drink intake:
- Breakfast: 14oz of organic coffee with 2oz of organic soy creamer and 2tbsp of honey; 2 boiled eggs,
- Lunch: Green Tea, 1 orange, 12oz organic mushroom broth (very warm),
- Dinner: 1 small apple, 1 cup of raw cauliflower, 12oz of organic mushroom broth (very warm),
- Snack: 5oz of organic baby carrots,
- detox lemonade throughout the day anytime I felt hungry or thirsty,

No comments... I don't want to get frustrated... I meditate to help staying focused.

Day SEVENTEEN (Sunday) 500 cal/day
-Weight 151.8 lb,
Food and drink intake:
- Breakfast: 14oz of organic coffee with 2oz of organic soy creamer and 1tbsp of honey; 2 boiled eggs,
- Lunch: Green Tea, 1 small apple, 12oz organic mushroom broth (very warm),
- Dinner: 1/2 rice flour pancake, 1 cup of lettuce with 1 Tbsp of ranch dressing, 12oz of organic mushroom broth (very warm),
- Snack: 5oz of organic baby carrots, 5oz of celery sticks, 3 tbsp of salsa with 1 tbsp of sour cream as dressing,
- detox lemonade throughout the day anytime I felt hungry or thirsty,

I guess this can be considered a plateau... I'm not concerned. I see the inches melting, the clothes are fitting better each day, so it's OK; just need to stick to the plan. I tried my "slim" clothes. It's encouraging to see the differences in body shape.

Day EIGHTEEN (Monday) 500 cal/day
-Weight 151.0 lb,
Food and drink intake:
- Breakfast: 14oz of organic coffee with 2oz of organic soy creamer and 1tbsp of honey; 2 boiled eggs,
- Lunch: Green Tea, 1 small apple, 12oz organic mushroom broth (very warm),
- Dinner: 2 Wasa crackers, 2 wedges of soft Swiss cheese, 12oz of organic mushroom broth (very warm),
- Snack: 5oz of organic baby carrots, 5oz of celery sticks, 2 tbsp of salsa,
- detox lemonade throughout the day anytime I felt hungry or thirsty,

I decided to start eating some grains. Whole grain crackers seem to be a good thing to start with. It feels good to eat some grains...The problem with my diet before was that I ate quite a lot of them every day: breads, pasta, pastry... I may need to revise my intake of those in the future, otherwise I'll be back where I was before... It's not easy to shed pounds. The ultimate plan is to keep them off for good. I will,... for me.

Day NINETEEN (Tuesday) 500 cal/day
-Weight 151.8 lb,
Food and drink intake:
- Breakfast: 14oz of organic coffee with 2oz of organic soy creamer and 1tbsp of honey; 2 boiled eggs,
- Lunch: Green Tea, 1 small apple, 12oz organic mushroom broth (very warm),
- Dinner: 2 Wasa crackers, 2 wedges of soft Swiss cheese, 12oz of organic mushroom broth (very warm),
- Snack: 5oz of organic baby carrots, 5oz of celery sticks, 2 tbsp of salsa,
- detox lemonade throughout the day anytime I felt hungry or thirsty,

Well I lost 8 pounds so far. It has taken twelve days. Last 7 days are a plateau... I'm not quitting. I know the body is stubborn and does not want to give up the "reserves". I know the breaking point is coming soon. 

Fasting Day 8-12

Day EIGHT (Friday) 500 cal/day
-Weight 153.2 lb,
Food and drink intake:
- Breakfast: 14oz of organic coffee with 2oz of organic soy creamer and 1tbsp of honey; 1 boiled egg,
- Lunch: Green Tea, 12oz organic mushroom broth (very warm),
- Dinner: 2 boiled eggs, small slice of cheese, half of an orange, 12oz of organic mushroom broth (very warm),
- Snack: 5oz of organic baby carrots,
- detox lemonade throughout the day anytime I felt hungry or thirsty,

Today my fasting is merging into a 500 calorie per day diet (gee, I don’t like that word). I’m excited. The energy level is much better; a little more food makes big difference. I like it. Carrots tasted really good! I still feel cold though (well, it’s winter… and my blood sugar may be on the low side), mostly my feet, but second pair of socks does the trick.   

My waist measurement is 33 ½” and the seat is 40”

Day NINE (Saturday) 500 cal/day
-Weight 152.4 lb,
Food and drink intake:
- Breakfast: 14oz of organic coffee with 2oz of organic soy creamer and 1tbsp of honey; 2 boiled eggs,
- Lunch: Green Tea, 12oz organic vegetable broth (very warm),
- Dinner: 1 boiled egg, 5oz of organic baby carrots, ½ tomato, 12oz of organic vegetable broth (very warm),
- Snack: 5oz of organic baby carrots,
- detox lemonade throughout the day anytime I felt hungry or thirsty,

I’m very happy with my weight falling.1lb per day may seem too quick, but then the people that go trough the gastrointestinal bypass surgery also drastically reduce their calorie intake due to the surgery. And reducing the calorie intake is ultimately the main objective in the process of losing weight. I think doing the same without the surgery is much better and healthier. I have a number in mind in terms of the ideal weight but it is more important for me to feel good and fit in the clothes I’d like to wear. The number is one thing and feeling good is another.

Being 54, 5’6’’ and 159.2 lb (size 12) when I started, running my own business, making things work in the economy that is on life support… the healthy lifestyle is not a priority. I’m taking this journey one day at a time, but every day is a victory, and I will not turn back now! I notice a difference in the way I look at the food. I already ate organic food 90% of the time. It was the portions and eating late that made me collect extra pounds. Well, I should revise that… it was me fixing my meal plates and putting the food in my mouth late at night. So, I own it, and I’m dealing with it. 

I’m excited; by today I lost 7lb. It feels good. The energy level is good. My heart rate is even and around 70. My blood pressure stays around 105/72. I sleep great. It truly feels like I got rid of a lot of the trash that accumulated in my body. Woohoo!! I think I’ll try some of my “slim” clothes tonight.

I’m not really planning my meals too carefully. I do count calories, but I mostly eat what I feel like I’d like to eat and adjust the portion to stay within the total calorie count for the day. It’s not too complicated, 500al does not go that far.

My waist measurement is 33 ½” and the seat is 40”

Day TEN (Sunday) 500 cal/day
-Weight 153.4 lb,
Food and drink intake:
- Breakfast: 14oz of organic coffee with 2oz of organic soy creamer and 1tbsp of honey; 2 boiled eggs,
- Lunch: Green Tea with 1tsp of honey, 12oz organic vegetable broth (very warm),
- Dinner: 3 slices of mozzarella cheese, 5oz of organic baby carrots, 12oz of organic vegetable broth (very warm),
- Snack: 5oz of organic baby carrots,
- detox lemonade throughout the day anytime I felt hungry or thirsty,

My new batch of the vegetable broth I started o drink yesterday turned out a bit salty, which may explain a little set back on the scale. I’m not concerned. I also slacked with my exercise… Well, unlike in the stock market, the current events do indicate future results when you go through a diet plan. I have to stick to it better and control the salt intake. Te salt, by the way, is necessary to the heart and brain function, so I would never do the 100% salt free diet, but it’s easy to take in too much of it.
My energy level is good. My heartbeat is even and around 68, blood pressure remains at 105/70.

Day ELEVEN (Monday) 500cal/day
-Weight 151.6 lb,
Food and drink intake:
- Breakfast: 14oz of organic coffee with 2oz of organic soy creamer and 1tbl spoon of honey; 2 boiled eggs,
- Lunch: Green Tea with 1 tsp of honey, 1 small apple, 5oz of organic baby carrots,
- Dinner: 2 slices of mozzarella cheese, 6oz organic soy yogurt, 12oz of organic vegetable broth (very warm),
- Snack: 2 celery srticks, 2tblsp of salsa,
- detox lemonade throughout the day anytime I felt hungry or thirsty,

I'm pleased with the progress on the scale. My energy level is good and blood pressure remains steady. This is exciting.  For the exercise I walked 2 miles today with moderate speed. It was a good workout. It is amazing how little the body needs to still function well. I wouldn't run 5 miles now, but a good walk was not a problem at all. My meals are put together without a great plan; I care most to include the proteins. The rest is just a mixture of what I'd like to eat. I just remembered that salsa is a great, low calorie blast of flavor that may take care of the craving or two. My cloths fit so much better now! The reward is to fit in the clothes I couldn't fit in just few days ago.

Day TWELVE (Tuesday) 500cal/day
-Weight 150.8 lb,
Food and drink intake:
- Breakfast: 14oz of organic coffee with 2oz of organic soy creamer and 1tbl spoon of honey; 2 boiled eggs,
- Lunch: Green Tea with 1 tsp of honey, 1 small apple, 5oz of organic baby carrots,
- Dinner: 1 small apple, 3 slices of organic mozzarella cheese, 12oz of organic vegetable broth (very warm),
- Snack: 2 celery srticks, 2tblsp of salsa,
- detox lemonade throughout the day anytime I felt hungry or thirsty,

I'm pleased with the progress on the scale. My energy level is good and blood pressure remains steady. The mild excercise seem to help making progress on the scale.
I'll have a bit of a challenge tomorrow (Day 13). I'm attending a business function with breakfast and lunch. I think that instead of struggling emotionally through the day, I'll just write it off... have reasonable meals, enjoy company of my business friends and move on to the next day.

Fasting Day 4-7

Day FOURTH (Monday) 350 cal/day
-Weight 153.4 lb,
Food and drink intake:
- Breakfast: 14oz of organic coffee with 1oz of organic soy creamer and 1tbsp of honey; 1 boiled egg,
- Lunch: Green Tea, 12oz of organic vegetable broth (very warm),
- Dinner: 1 boiled egg,
- detox lemonade throughout the day anytime I felt hungry or thirsty,

I feel great, hunger is no longer an issue; I enjoy extra time throughout the day recycled from the meal times… The energy level is high; the heart beat is strong and even (it could be the protein from the egg that helped that); the hunger is not even an issue, the thoughts of food do not come to mind at all. I knew this was coming!! That damn third day syndrome is finally over!
I keep my thoughts focused on cleansing and healing. I can’t help feeling lighter and more flexible. I do feel a little colder than usually. That’s normal; the blood glucose drops during fasting and that may bring the feeling of coldness. I put a second pair of socks on :o).

Day FIVE (Tuesday) 350 cal/day
-Weight 154.4 lb,
Food and drink intake:
- Breakfast: 14oz of organic coffee with 1oz of organic soy creamer and 1tbsp of honey; 1 boiled egg,
- Lunch: Green Tea, 10oz of organic vegetable broth (very warm),
- Dinner: 1 boiled egg, 12oz of organic mushroom broth (very warm),
- detox lemonade throughout the day anytime I felt hungry or thirsty,

Well, a little set back on the scale, but a little food I eat may accumulate in the intestines and with #2 being on hold, the weight may creep up a little. No worries here. I’m not hungry. My energy level is very good - just as day four. I still feel a bit cold and I know this will remain until the end of fasting – it’s ok. My sleeping pattern is very good. I meditate 2-3 times a day and keep my thoughts focused on cleansing and healing. I look forward to healthier me.

Day SIX (Wednesday) 350 cal/day
-Weight 154.4 lb,
Food and drink intake:
- Breakfast: 14oz of organic coffee with 1oz of organic soy creamer and 1tbsp of honey; 1 boiled egg,
- Lunch: Green Tea, 10oz of organic vegetable broth (very warm),
- Dinner: 1 boiled egg, 12oz of organic mushroom broth (very warm),
- detox lemonade throughout the day anytime I felt hungry or thirsty,

The weight is still flat, but I do see the difference on my body. My cheek and jaw bones regain their contour, there is less fat around my waist, thighs and arms. The energy level is a little lower, but not too bad. I new this was coming, good thing I planned my schedule around it… I don’t really feel the hunger and I don’t miss eating big meals. I still feel a little cold, but my sleep pattern is really good. I picture myself in slim fitting clothes.     

Day SEVEN (Thursday) 350cal/day
-Weight 154.4 lb,
Food and drink intake:
- Breakfast: 14oz of organic coffee with 1oz of organic soy creamer and 1tbsp of honey; 1 boiled egg,
- Lunch: Green Tea, 12oz organic vegetable broth (very warm),
- Dinner: 1 boiled egg, 12oz of organic mushroom broth (very warm),
- detox lemonade throughout the day anytime I felt hungry or thirsty,

The energy level was holding steady, but it starts to bother me a bit. I can’t increase my sleep time to help get through the day – some things have to be attended to… so this will be the last day of my fasting. Overall I feel good. The seven day fasting went well. My blood pressure went down about 15-20 points and it’s now around 105/72 (that’s where it was 20 years ago, yes!!!). I sleep great too. I feel lighter more flexible and my clothes fit better. All those good things happening and I lost only 5 lb!!! I can’t stop now. The plan for the next several days is to eat about 500cal/day. The body is over the initial shock; it is getting used to the reduction of fat (at least that’s how I feel). Let’s see if I can bring the weight down to the level from 20 years ago too…

Fasting Day 1-3

Day ONE (Friday) 200 cal/day
-Weight 155.8 lb (amazing how much waste one can carry around…),
Food and drink intake:
- Breakfast: 14oz of organic coffee with 1oz of organic soy creamer and 1tbsp of honey;
- Lunch: Green Tea with 1tsp of honey,
- detox lemonade throughout the day anytime I felt hungry or thirsty,

I already feel lighter, hunger is not an issue, I miss the “eating” but not because of being hungry, I’m not hungry. I meditate for short moments throughout the day to help staying focused on the healing process. I look forward to my cleansed and healthier body.

Day TWO (Saturday) 200 cal/day
-Weight 155.6 lb,
Food and drink intake (same as day one):
- Breakfast: 14oz of organic coffee with 1oz of organic soy creamer and 1 tbsp of honey;
- Lunch: Green Tea with 1tsp of honey,
- detox lemonade throughout the day anytime I felt hungry or thirsty,

I feel a little lightheaded in the morning – coffee helps getting the blood going. I take time getting up after sitting for a while. Thoughts of meals come to my mind; I meditate for short moments to refocus on cleansing and healing. Towards the end of the day I tart feeling a headache which is normal when toxins start to be released from the tissues to the blood stream. I focus on cleansing and practice visualization of getting rid of toxins from the body cells.

Day THREE (Sunday) 200 cal/day
-Weight 154.4 lb,
Food and drink intake (same as day one and two):
- Breakfast: 14oz of organic coffee with 1oz of organic soy creamer and 1tbsp of honey;
- Lunch: Green Tea with 1tsp of honey,
- detox lemonade throughout the day anytime I felt hungry or thirsty,

I feel a little lightheaded again in the morning – coffee helps getting the blood going. Third day is usually the most uncomfortable one due to the headache and the feeling of being weak. After all, the body is fighting back. It is being thrown out of its usual balance and does not like the change. My heartbeat becomes uneven for short moments throughout the day. I take time to sit down, breath deep, rebalance and get up slowly. Thoughts of meals come to my mind along with thoughts of quitting the fasting. I meditate for short moments to refocus on cleansing and healing. I know from the past experience that the third day is the worse day of the entire process. Towards the end of the third day I start feeling a headache, which is normal when toxins start to be released from the tissues to the blood stream. I meditate; focus on cleansing, healing and practice visualization of getting rid of toxins from body cells. I push away thoughts of eating.